Welcome to a future where exchanging emotions for money is a common thing in sugar relationships. However, some sugar babies have different preferences, and they look for a conversational relationship rather than a financial one. 

You are going to have an interesting experience if you are in search of how to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk. This post will discuss every possible step to find a sugar daddy that doesn’t want to meet physically. We will focus more on making a captivating online persona and establishing a conversation-focused relationship with a sugar daddy.

So, without taking much of your time, let’s begin the discussion.

What is a Sugar Baby and a Sugar Daddy?

A sugar daddy is generally a middle-aged or an old age person, who wants to have an emotional bond with a girl younger than him. In exchange for emotional bonding, friendship, and intimacy, sugar daddy provides expensive gifts or money to that girl. 

Whereas, a sugar baby is a young lady or woman, who dates a rich older man in expectation to get financial support and other expensive things. Both the sugar daddy and the sugar baby must be open and honest in their communication to understand what is allowed and what is prohibited in that online sugar relationship. 

How to Get a Sugar Daddy That Only Wants to Talk?

If you want to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, you need to look after various factors. However, as a beginner, it can be a daunting task for you, and that’s why we have listed down the 15 best tips that will help you find the sugar daddy of your choice.

1. Understand Your Preferences

Before beginning the search, it is very important to understand what you want in a sugar daddy. You may have some preferences in your mind, regarding looks, wealth, emotional support, and plenty of other things, in a sugar daddy. 

After you understand your preferences, it makes the rest of the job easier. As a result, you can deeply engage in any conversation with your sugar daddy and make the online relationship more intimate. Therefore, it is important to figure out your choices and desires in a sugar relationship. 

2. Stay As You Are

When you are looking for a sugar daddy that doesn’t want to meet, it is important to be real. It means you need to stay loyal to yourself and avoid any kind of acting in front of a sugar daddy. If you are genuine while searching for a sugar daddy, they will be attracted to your personality. Therefore, don’t be scared to showcase your unique personality and the fantasies you have. 

3. Choose the Right Platform (We Recommend FeetFinder)

To get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, finding a reliable sugar daddy platform is always necessary. In this niche industry, FeetFinder serves as the best platform for developing sugar relationships. It is a community of like-minded people, and you can be the center of attraction by putting in the right effort.

The best part of FeetFinder is that sugar babies prefer genuine conversations with their sugar daddies here. It is completely different from many other platforms that are primarily focused on financial transactions, FeetFinder is strongly focused on developing genuine connections through honesty and integrity. For those, looking for sugar daddies who prefer healthy conversations over anything, FeetFinder can be the one-stop destination. 

4. Optimize Your Profile Well

Your profile is the mirror of your personality, and it plays a crucial role whenever any sugar daddy approaches you. If you want to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, you need to clearly mention it in the profile. So, while optimizing the profile as a sugar baby, put an attractive profile photo and write an appealing bio that actually represents your identity. 

However, you should refrain from overexposure and maintain a level of modesty. An authentic profile will help you get sugar daddies who appreciate the originality of a sugar baby.

5. Be Straightforward and Honest

You should be transparent while searching for a sugar daddy only for conservation purposes. While developing an online relationship, it is very important to be clear about your expectations, boundaries, and what services you can offer to the sugar daddy. When you are transparent about such a relationship, it helps you keep protected from unsuitable sugar daddies and future disappointments. 

You can build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding, and when you discuss your limitations and expectations with your partner, the relationship becomes more enjoyable.

6. Find Potential Matches

As a sugar baby, when you go through different profiles of sugar daddies, make sure you pay attention to the specifics. You can consider their interests and values, and see if those are matching with you or not. 

Observe the sugar daddies’ conversations. Do they interact with you and find your words interesting? Do they seem willing to engage in meaningful conversations? So, when you closely evaluate such things, you can end up finding the right sugar daddy for yourself.

7. Set Clear Boundaries

Building online sugar relationships may seem like walking in the garden, but it does have some complications. For example, sometimes the sugar daddy may demand you to do weird things, or they might want to meet you physically, and that’s where the boundaries protect you.

That’s why it is very important to set clear boundaries before diving into this industry and make the sugar daddy aware of those restrictions. In this way, not only will you make your online relationship stronger, but you can also protect yourself from any unwanted threats.

8. Establish Financial Expectations

From the beginning of joining this business, you must be clear about your financial expectations from a sugar daddy that only wants to talk. Don’t forget to tell the value of your time, focus, and emotional things to a sugar daddy. You should always make it clear about your expectations from them in exchange for these things. By doing so, you and your sugar daddy will be able to understand each other’s needs and have a fulfilling relationship.

9. Involve in a Meaningful Conversations

When you contact a sugar daddy, it is your time to showcase your talent and communication style to build a healthy virtual relationship. However, you need to understand that better communication only happens when you also listen to them. So, it becomes very critical to listen to them carefully and understand what they want. 

Moreover, you should never hesitate to share your interests, opinions, and different fantasies, with confidence. When you don’t pretend to be someone else and remain yourself, exciting and pleasurable conversations are sure to come. Thus, show your true self to the sugar daddy, be genuine, and let the conversation continue for a long time.

10. Being Available Whenever Needed

If you want to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, you need to be available for them whenever they want to communicate with you. Maintaining such a relationship demands time and consistent efforts, and it is not limited to sending texts once in a while. 

However, communicating every time is not possible for anybody, so how would you handle that? Well, you can have a discussion with the sugar daddies over timing. For example, you can have some separate hours for chatting, phone calls, or video calls. By maintaining a flexible schedule, you can handle such relationships with utmost care.

11. Stay Focused While Communicating

When you are communicating with any sugar daddy, make sure you are giving your complete attention. Even though the conversation is a bit gimmicky or boring, concentrating on it is your duty. 

Rather than doing some other activities, you should be available emotionally to the sugar daddy you are communicating with. In this way, the sugar daddy may feel confident and safe with you, and this is the most important aspect while establishing a solid and genuine relationship.

12. Engage in Flirty Conversations

Remember that, you are involved in an online relationship with a sugar daddy, so meeting them physically won’t meet your boundaries. However, you can make the relationship stronger and more exciting, by engaging in flirty conversations sometimes. Some sugar daddies enjoy receiving compliments from sugar babies and engaging in flirtatious interactions, which include sending pictures and videos. 

It all comes down to the type of relationship you are having with the sugar daddy. If you don’t want to flirt, finding another sugar daddy should be another choice for you. But, flirting can help you excite the sugar daddy, and as a result, you may receive more valuable gifts from them.

13. Maintain Privacy and Discretion

While searching for a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, you must prioritize two important factors, privacy and discretion. It doesn’t matter how heated the conversation is, you should never forget your boundaries, always protect your personal information, and avoid sharing any crucial information about yourself. 

Practicing such things while dating online is very precious, and building a secure and friendly environment develops trust and freedom for both, who want to focus on a meaningful conversation.

14. Prefer Online Gifting

As a sugar baby, you will be receiving many gifts from sugar daddies, but you should always prefer online gifting to respect your boundaries. Some sugar daddies may offer you some breathtaking gifts or offers if you meet them physically, but this doesn’t fall under your limitations.

So, always look for such sugar daddies, who prefer gifting virtually. These can be virtual experiences like sending money online, financing some courses for you like language training, or it can be digital gift cards or subscriptions. These kinds of gifts can improve your virtual friendship that goes beyond simple dating.

15. Manage the Opinion Differences

While handling an online sugar relationship, you need to be prepared for many challenges, and one among them could be opinion differences. There might be some instances when your sugar daddy may have different opinions that are opposed to yours. 

They might have certain points of view, which do not fit your values. You have to cope with such issues sometimes, and if their thought process is entirely different, it is better to look for another sugar daddy. Remember that not every sugar daddy will hold the same opinions as you, therefore it is critical to establish your limits and define your comfort level with them.


1. How do I attract a sugar daddy online?

To attract a sugar daddy online, you must craft an appealing profile that clearly demonstrates your limits and expectations from a sugar daddy.

2. How to ask a sugar daddy for money?

You can discuss your financial expectations with them at the beginning of conversations. So, you can feel free to ask for money whenever you need it. 

3. Which is the best platform to get a sugar daddy online?

There are plenty of websites, which are specifically serving this niche industry. However, the best platform to get a sugar daddy who only wants to talk is FeetFinder, because of its simplicity and safety measures.

4. Can flirting be a part of an online sugar relationship?

Not really! However, flirting in an online sugar relationship can make the bonding better, which can eventually benefit you in many ways.

5. What if the sugar daddy wants to meet physically?

Well! It depends on you. If you are fine to meet with them after an online relationship, you can meet them. However, if you are not interested in an in-person meeting, discuss this matter with them clearly.


That’s all on how to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk. Remember that, such sugar daddies seek emotional connections without any physical touch, and to find them you need to create a decent profile with a clear photo and the right information. 

Set your limits clear and make an effort to be sincere and consistent. This strategy will make your online sugar relationship pleasurable and fulfilling for both of you.

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